Document Assembly (TXdocs and TXdocsPlus)
Form Search Improvements
Searching for forms to assemble has been completely overhauled to make it much easier to find the desired form(s)!
- The list of forms will continue to filter as you type to only show matching forms. A filter can be easily removed by pressing the ESC key.
- The form selection window allows selecting forms by topic. The topic dropdown list has been enhanced to improve selecting a topic and then selecting the desired form(s).
- The local forms list can now be collapsed down to the county level for easy navigation.
eFiling Improvements
- The eFiling menu options have been added to the TXdocPlus security options to allow for the ability to set eFiling permissions for individual staff members.
- The performance of important and frequent eFiling tasks such as the fee calculation and submitting an eFiling envelope has been improved. We will continue to improve the performance to make eFiling with TXdocs as simple and as fast as possible.
- Partial social security numbers are now allowed when entering a case party. The system will automatically prepend zeroes to the entered digits
- Added support for accented characters like ñ.
- Prevented a possible crash of the eFiling window when the menu option was double clicked.
- Fixed an issue during eService that caused the filing tab to hang when a document was added to the eService by going back to the documents tab from the filing tab.
- Added the document’s date to the tooltip of the list with documents to help with picking the correct document(s).
- Ensured that the service recipients are loaded when using a draft to file into an existing case. If the service recipients can’t be loaded, an error message is displayed.
- Ensured that documents can always be reuploaded when resuming a draft.
Other Software Improvements
- A small subset of our forms cannot be assembled in combination with other forms, because the forms have an opposing relationship with the client: forms where the client is the petitioner can’t be assembled at the same time as forms where the client is the respondent. TXdocs will display a message explaining this when a form is selected that clashes with the already selected forms.
- Improved support for accented characters like ñ throughout TXdocs, most notably when using these characters during assembly.
- The family law Proposed Division Tool now includes the separate property of the petitioner and respondent in its Excel export.
- The delinquency calculator’s report no longer displays the compound interest amount when compounded interest was excluded.
- The worksheets have been improved to no longer duplicate questions when a question was referenced multiple times in the form.
- The password reset option has been improved to increase the security of the new password.
- Several important windows in TXdocs now have a video help button to easily watch a quick video on how to use that window.
- The CSV import tool has been improved to exclude system fields to prevent an import from overwriting internal client information.
Practice Management Enhancements (TXdocsPlus and TXpractice)
Billing Improvements
- A new field in the case details screen will allow you to set the replenishment level of the trust. When the trust balance is below the minimum trust level, the trust will be replenished up to the new level. You can set the default replenishment level in the billing settings.
- The statement has been improved to more clearly show the amount that the client needs to pay.
- The consolidated statement has a better separation of the different cases on the statement. A grand total has also been added to the bottom of the statement.
- The trust tab of the Billing Manager has been changed to show a single list with all trust deposits and trust withdrawals. Trust deposits are payments from your client to your trust account. Trust withdrawals are transfers from your IOLTA account to your operating account to pay your invoices.
- Long description of timeslips/expense slips now display correctly on the statements.
- Case Manager’s billing overview has been improved to correctly refresh after selecting a different client.
Other Improvements
- The documents tab in Case Manager no longer opens a debug window when double clicking on a document.
- The tasks report can now be sorted by date and priority.