The new Look
We have updated our corporate logo and website with the goal of improving how new users and prospects perceive TXdocs.
In addition, when starting TXdocs, you will notice new menu items and tabs which are intended to make things easier to find and use. "Document Automation" is prominently displayed with large buttons for Online Intake, Document Assembly and eFiling to stress the significant role these features play when it comes to saving you time. View a 2-minute video introducing these changes.
general improvements
- New: Every report in TXdocs can now be saved as a PDF.
- New: Additional deadlines were added to the Deadlines Calculator.
- New: Added ability to calculate months/years before and after a date.
- Improved several question windows where party and party type are asked to facilitate easier entry.
- Added a clear explanation of the "do not save/reuse answers" checkbox. By default TXdocs saves. and reuses answers unless you check this box.
- Fixed inconsistent rounding of percentages in the Proposed Division software tool.
- Court Exhibit Report has been improved to allow easier editing of the descriptions of case activities.
Billing Improvements
- New: Improved the filter options for monthly billing. The option to exclude cases without activity is removed and is replaced with options to exclude cases without activity and another to exclude cases without activity and with no balance.
- Added an automatic receipt when posting a trust deposit request.
- Added new payment options when posting a payment.
- Fixed a bug where sometimes the monthly billing overview would show an incorrect amount in the "transfer to operating account" column.
- Fixed a bug in the "original statement" that could show incorrect initials of a staff member for expense slips.
- Implemented double-click for editing on every tab and added drag and drop support for the quick action buttons.
efiling Improvements
- Fixed an issue where an existing case could not be loaded if the assigned court was not in the list of available courts.
- Added a warning when the selected document(s) exceed 35mb in total - the state's eFiling system doesn't allow larger submissions.
- Fixed an issue where the eFiling system occasionally failed to use the case answers to fill in the blanks.
- Fixed an issue where switching back to previous tabs could clear out the document type drop list in the eFiling step.
TXdocsplus improvments
- Fixed an issue where the practice management tools occasionally could not be selected with the mouse.
- Fixed calendar to not change the current day when switching between month view and day view.