Select a section below to see a complete list of software improvements:
- Added ‘Payment History’ option to Firm Settings. This new option shows the payments to TXdocs for the account. The bills can be downloaded as well.
- Probate’s Heirship Tree now asks if the tree needs to be reloaded when you’ve downloaded information about heirs from Online Intake since the last time you’ve used the Heirship Tree.
- Improved creating, updating and selecting form sets within the document assembly window.
- Improved ‘Edit Answers’ to ensure that buttons are disabled when they do not apply.
- Improved resizing of several Document Assembly Tools, like the Family Law Inventory tool and the Probate Inventory Tool.
- When adding new staff member, the rate was not immediately editable when the attorney checkbox was checked.
- Lists with multi-line edits on the document assembly panels (blue screens) could be scrolled in such a way that the edit field was not visible.
- During Document Assembly the toolbar with the Next and Previous buttons would sometimes be displayed 2x.
- Added billing shortcuts and spell checker to the new description field in the timer window.
- Billing Manager’s Aged Receivables report: ‘treat unbilled payments as paid’ is now selected by default.
- Income Report of Billing Manager: modified the calculation of the summary per case-type: the total could previously be off by 1 case.
- Corrected calculation of the ‘current amount’ on the ‘Original Bill’ layout.